Hi, I’m Scott

I started sharing my ideas about self-improvement and continuous growth and learning, in writing and video, in 2022.

I’m obsessed with seeing what we are capable of: testing the extent of human potential.

My curiosity for human potential is what drove me to read hundreds of books (and counting) from self-improvement to investing to dating and relationships.

I share all of my summaries here because books were what sparked me to change—and I want to help get you started. I lead first and foremost with my #1 value: Integrity. I always do that which I say I am going to do.

I’m here to help you change your life.

My Mission

My life’s mission is to make change easier and accessible for anyone who has picked up the heavy-ass burden and responsibility to improve themselves. I approach this by giving you research-backed, evidence-based activities, tools, tips & tricks to make it possible. If I haven’t tried it out myself, then you won’t hear about it from me.

And books. Many, many books. I am obsessed with reading books that make me better and I want to share my love of learning and knowledge with you. Books changed my life.

I have read hundreds of books, and I know that the number of books you read does not matter. What matters is what you do with what you’ve read. Thus, I have made a rule to implement at least one thing from each book I read.

I try the techniques, methods, and advice that is laid out in each book to see how it works for me. It’s my hope that I can report what I have learned, so you might adapt it for yourself, as well as point you in the right direction for the best books to get you started wherever you are on your journey.

We are in this together, and that’s pretty rad.

My Story Is Defined By My Ability To Reinvent Myself, Grow & Transform With My Clients

Working on yourself is never over. It is something that you commit to for life, and once you sign that paper, everything changes.

When your mind knows that you aren’t going to quit, it stops trying to negotiate with you and make excuses.

It gets quiet and you regain control.

Follow My Journey

This is a story. Better yet, a documentation of a story. A process. Documenting the journey of the struggle so the blueprint is there for those that come next. Or for those that are in it.

Scott Nicoll
This is your one life - make it what you want
The clock is ticking so use your time wisely. Time is our most precious gift
Be open minded and have meaningful conversations to learn and grow
Years of Experience
Expert partners
Active projects

The Book Has Been Featured In:

I’m working on it. And it’s going to be oh-so-glorious.

Popular Questions

You’ve got questions and I’ve got…well, questions as well. But I can do my best to answer some of yours before you’ve even knew you had any.

Geez. No need to be so aggressive right off the bat. I’m joking of course, if you couldn’t tell that yet. I joke often, and I think I’m humorous. Although, I might be the only one.

I’m Scott. I lived a pretty normal life until I was 22, when I flipped and totaled a car nearly crashing into a telephone pole and killing myself.

After that, I knew there was more to life than my small town and even smaller beliefs about the world. I moved to Seoul, South Korea in 2006, planning to live abroad for one year. I lived abroad for over a decade.

Books. Self-improvement. And travel. I’m obsessed with the world and all it has to offer. Experiences truly are priceless.

Simply, this site started from following my curiosities.

I fell in love with reading when I returned to America and was going through the lowest point in my life, so I wanted to create this site to help others out there that might be going through a tough time—it’s for those who need that little spark to realize that they can turn their life around.

So, I taught myself how to create a website, and now, here we are.

It’s best to explain this through the origin story:

I was hiking the Grand Canyon. It was very early in the morning and still freezing cold when I got to the bottom of the first section. There was a gorgeous waterfall. Prior to my trip I told myself I would hop in all gorgeous waterfalls on my road trip around America. Problem was, I was really not in the mood.

So, what did I do?

I jumped in the ice-cold waterfall and swam around. I got out and said to myself, “Always do, Scott. Always do.”

“Always Do” reminds me that after I do the thing that I know I want to do, even though I might not feel like it in the moment, I will always be glad I did it. That if I “Always Do” the things that I know, deep down, that I want to do, and that I know are the right things, then I will have the life I’ve always dreamed of.

Always do” means always doing the thing that you said you were going to do…especially when you don’t feel like it.

People from all over the world have been rolling in.

Truth is, I started this blog at the end of 2022 and was on a roll, shooting up to over 1,000 visitors in under 30 days.

Then, I fell off.

It is this strange thing I do that I am learning to master about myself—I just stop things I enjoy doing after a certain point. But as I learn more about myself and what truly lights me up, that issue has faded.

I re-engaged with the site in April 2023, and again in March of 2024. I am in 100%, so I will continue to grow this into a sort of super-awesome-rad-helping-book-and-self-improvement-and-travel blog.

Hope you stick around.


I am hoping to share my massive collection of book summaries that I’ve organized in Notion with you all.

I also want to write a book in the future, and that I will probably sell for a few bucks.

And who knows what else the future has in store.

“This comeback is personal. It’s an apology to myself.” – Unknown

1. It changed my life.

2. You get access to the greatest minds of the past and of today—you get years of the author’s creativity, passion, well-formulated and researched opinions, intellect, and thought-provoking insights packaged in a few hundred pages or a couple-hour audiobook. Not a bad tradeoff.

3. Reading a ton opens up passageways in your brain that are imperceptible to you until you start reading and connecting the dots.

4. Books really are the “cheat code” to life.

5. I’ve found it’s not so much about reading in and of itself, but about having the words, content, and ideas constantly streaming into your mind that changes you.

1. I love the classic paper book.

2. With that said, the Kindle has proven to be incredible for simplicity: go anywhere with it, battery lasts weeks, books instantaneously, and easy to read at night.

3. And with that said, I do about 80% audiobooks. I love them. I listen to them during every free moment: exercising, showering, cooking, eating (if I’m alone), walking. I love walking with an audiobook playing.

4. Find what you love.

Ooooooo, you ask such good questions. Wait, what?

Okay, I ask good questions.

So good, that I don’t think I can answer it. How about this: if you really want to know, message me personally and I’ll let you know.

All over Southeast Asia, living in Seoul, Hong Kong, China, and a few places in Europe for longer stints.

2024 was spent all over South America.

I’m actually hoping to transition this website into a place that provides inspiration to get people to travel (especially if they are like me, a bit older, and struggling to find their way back out into the world again for some reason).

And of course, this will still be a website devoted to books, self-improvement, and health. That doesn’t change.

Damn, you do ask some great questions!

Alright, here it is:

1) If you haven’t started meditating, do that. You need to learn self-awareness and “watch yourself” before anything else.

2) Pick a really great book, like 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and do everything it tells you to do.

3) Start an exercise/movement routine daily.

4) That should get you started.

5) And oh yea, if you say you are going to do something, like “I’m going to exercise tomorrow for 45 minutes,” then no matter what, you had better show up for yourself.

Always Do.