My 2023 Reading List
2023: A Year Of Progress
After finding out that there is life after rock bottom, but only if I take 100% responsibility for everything in my life and do the work to design my future, well, I did just that, I got to work. 2022 was all about change. Changing my mindset, changing my habits, changing what I ate, changing how I looked at myself and the world. 2023 is all about making progress. And that includes with reading. Although my pace has slowed since I blew out of the gates with nearly 130 books in 2022, I still consider reading daily an essential part of my life- and it always will be. Now I just hone in more on the topics on want to focus on and areas I want to improve.
Although completely accidental, I like my method. If you lost touch with reading, I recommend going all-in and reading as many books as possible – this constant contact with some of the greatest minds to ever live, you fundamentally change who you are and how you see the world. After you do that, you can focus in on slowly devouring books at a pace that feels comfortable and focus in on topic you now know that you enjoy learning about. Whatever method you choose, start reading!
My 2023 Reading List
- When You’re Ready, This Is How You Heal by Brianna Wiest (Print | Ebook)
- Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow by Yuval Noah Harari (Print | Ebook | Audiobook)
- Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck (Print | Ebook | Audiobook)
- 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari (Print | Ebook | Audiobook)
- Travel as Transformation by Gregory V. Diehl (Print | Ebook | Audiobook)
- Your Music Your People by Derek Sivers (Hardcover)
- Company Rules, Or Everything I Know About Business I Learned From the CIA by Mike Baker
- Unstuck: A Story About Gaining Perspective, Creating Traction, and Pursuing Your Passion by Dan Webster
- Disrupt You!: Master Personal Transformation, Seize Opportunity, and Thrive in the Era of Endless Innovation by Jay Samit (Print | Ebook | Audiobook)
- Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson (Print | Ebook | Audiobook)
- The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working: The Four Forgotten Needs That Energize Great Performance by Tony Schwartz (Print | Ebook | Audiobook)
- Create: Tools from Seriously Talented People to Unleash Your Creative Life by Marc Silber (Print | Ebook | Audiobook)
- Larger Than Yourself: Reimagine Industries, Lead with Purpose & Grow Ideas into Movements by Thibault Manekin (Print | Ebook | Audiobook)
- The Human Sales Factor: The Human-to-Human Equation for Connecting, Persuading, and Closing the Deal by Lance Tyson (Print | Ebook | Audiobook)
- EntreLeadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches by Dave Ramsey (Print | Ebook | Audiobook)
- Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff . . . and It’s All Small Stuff: Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life by Richard Carlson (Print | Ebook | Audiobook)
- Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brene Brown (Print | Ebook | Audiobook)
- Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies by Nick Bostrom (Print | Ebook | Audiobook)
- How to Read a Book: The Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading by Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Doren (Print | Ebook | Audiobook)
- How to Speak How to Listen by Mortimer J. Adler (Print | Ebook | Audiobook)
- Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills by Russell L. Blaylock (Print | Audiobook)
- The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss by Dr. Jason Fung (Print | Ebook | Audiobook)
- Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert (Print | Ebook | Audiobook)
- The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally by Dr. Jason Fung (Print | Ebook | Audiobook)
- Life in the Fasting Lane: How to Make Intermittent Fasting a Lifestyle―and Reap the Benefits of Weight Loss and Better Health by Dr. Jason Fung, Eve Mayer, Megan Ramos (Print | Ebook | Audiobook)
- The Cancer Code: A Revolutionary New Understanding of a Medical Mystery by Dr. Jason Fung (Print | Ebook | Audiobook)
- Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike by Phil Knight (Print | Ebook | Audiobook)
- The Bullet Journal Method: Track the Past, Order the Present, Design the Future by Ryder Carroll (Print | Ebook | Audiobook)
- Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity by Peter Attia (Print | Ebook | Audiobook)
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*If you use the affiliate links in here a magic genie will suddenly appear in front of me granting me unlimited wishes, at which point I will then immediately wish for something like 100 billion dollars, a submarine, a funny hat, or something cool like that. So just assume that if you use the links to buy anything I make tons of money and become filthy rich. Besides this last statement, I practice radical honesty and anything I ever recommend is something I stand by.