My 2022 Reading List

2022: A Year Of Change

In 2021, I found out that there was another layer deeper to the “rock bottom” I’ve heard about others hitting – all the while thinking that’ll never happen to me. Well, it did. It feels clichĂ© to say it like that, but that’s how it felt. Being lost and stuck in the world is a brutal place to be – especially when constantly being drowned out by recurring waves of indecision, overthinking and inaction every time I came up for air. But all of that led to this – my journey to find myself, or create myself or simply just figure out things that I like to do again. And it all started with reading books. Many, many books.

My 2022 Reading List

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My Book-Rating Scale

My reading rating of books and book summaries
So we are on the same page.

*If you use the affiliate links in here a magic genie will suddenly appear in front of me granting me unlimited wishes, at which point I will then immediately wish for something like 100 billion dollars, a submarine, a funny hat, or something cool like that. So just assume that if you use the links to buy anything I make tons of money and become filthy rich. Besides this last statement, I practice radical honesty and anything I ever recommend is something I stand by.